Join Me on

I honestly wasn't sure it would happen but is actually starting to get interesting. Not so much for the core Twitter-like experience, though I've found myself using it more lately, but for what developers are building on the foundation of its APIs. Today the developers of Riposte, my favorite ADN client for iOS, have announced a new group messaging app called Whisper and it looks fantastic. If it's approved in time it looks like it could very well corner the market on social planning and communication this year at WWDC.

If you don't have an account yet you can sign up for a free account (and get some extra storage space) using this invite URL:

Once you have an account, downloading the ADN Passport app will give you one-click access to many of the iOS apps.

If you're already on you can find me there (and on Twitter) as jdriscoll.

"Join Me on" was originally published on 07 Jun 2013.