OnePAD Version 1.3 Available Now

OnePAD version 1.3 was approved yesterday (after only 5 days!) and is now available for purchase and update. I rewrote much of the application launch code for this release which should help alleviate a few sync issues as well as a potential crash on first launch. Additionally, the app now hides empty notes prior to today's date by default. I think this makes browsing back through your notes a much better experience and so far the feedback has been very positive. If you prefer the old behavior there's a new preference in the settings app to disable this feature.

The other major change in the release is the new icon and I'm really happy with the way this turned out. With a recent upgrade to Photoshop CS6 (and after struggling with performance issues and general unfamiliarity in Sketch 2) I decided to completely redesign the OnePAD icon. If you've been holding off on the upgrade I have to say that Photoshop CS6 is a huge improvement (coming from CS4 at least) and I especially love the new pixel snapping options. I haven't had a chance to scratch the surface on what's new in the release and I already feel I've gotten my money's worth.

OnePAD is still $1.99 on the App Store and supports any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch capable of running iOS 5. I think you'll like it. If you do, please tell your friends and leave a rating or review.

"OnePAD Version 1.3 Available Now" was originally published on 11 Aug 2012.