A Podcast Playlist Primer

Audio podcasts are my favorite way to squeeze in a little entertainment or information while performing other tasks. While I'm driving. When I'm at the store. I almost always have my Earpods in and a couple episodes downloaded and queued up in my player.

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Building a Universal App for iOS

There are a lot of different ways to build a universal application for iOS and every project is different. By leveraging auto layout, storyboards and custom UIView subclasses you can save time and avoid unnecessary duplication.

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Parsing Strings with NSScanner

I often forget about NSScanner. Maybe because I've spent so much time working in languages where there's no analog. In this, the first (and so far only) installment of Real Code™, I share a function I wrote recently to parse KML coordinate sets.

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Singleton Placeholder Objects

When working with Objective C you may come across a situation where using a placeholder object can save you complexity when an actual instance is not available or required. By using protocols you can retain type-safety while defining objects that behave like instances of other classes.

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From Device to Desktop - Workflows for Saving iOS Screenshots

Taking screenshots on your iOS devices is something I imagine all developers (and designers) have to do regularly. The addition of Photostream made this easier but I was really getting tired of opening iPhoto each time I wanted to pull a screenshot into Photoshop. Turns our there's a better way. A few actually.

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Join Me on App.net

I honestly wasn't sure it would happen but App.net is actually starting to get interesting. Not for the core Twitter-like experience. But for what developers are building on the foundation of its APIs

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Introducing Dispensr - A Better Way to Share Promo Codes

Dispensr is a better way to distribute multiple promotional codes for iOS and Mac software. You just upload the file you receive from iTunes Connect and you get a single, private url to share via email or on Facebook, Twitter or App.net. Your users get to request a code without trying multiple times only to find out that they've all been used.

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Auto Layout for iOS Revisited

Now that I have a few more months experience using auto layout in Rego I'd like to follow up my original post with some additional thoughts on the technology, how one might use it, and what can, and will, go wrong.

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