A Simple Custom View That Supports UIMenuController on iOS

UIMenuController is the class you interact with to present the pop up menu most commonly used for copy and paste in iOS. I Recently found that adding a menu to my own UIView subclasses was easy, but not entirely obvious at first, so I thought I'd post an extremely simple example based on what I learned.

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Adding Full Text Search to a Core Data App Using SQLite

Full text search is one area where the base iOS SDK doesn't have a lot to offer. You can get something that looks kind of like full text search NSPredicate but it becomes really slow with larger data sets. Here's one way to add full text search to a new or existing Core Data app using SQLite FTS4.

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Going off the Book

There's a moment in chess when a game deviates from a well known sequences of moves each player has memorized. They call this going "off book" and it's an interesting metaphor for modern software development.

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Communicating with Blocks in Objective-C

I love blocks because blocks make Objective-C much more expressive. They can also reduce the amount of code you need to write, which reduces the amount of code you need to maintain and debug. Any developer who has ever worked in a higher level language like Ruby, Python or Javascript should feel right at home using blocks. Once they get past the awkward syntax at least.

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