OnePAD version 1.3 has been approved for sale and brings bug fixes, better browsing and a brand new icon.
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I finally got around to putting together a quick screencast for OnePAD, my iOS daily notebook app.
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When the iPad keyboard is "un-docked" or "split" your app won't get the same UI events. If your app needs to accurately track the visibility of the keyboard on iPad you need to do a little more work.
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I put together a quick iOS icon template for Sketch 2. It's not complete but it includes templates and slices for the iPhone and iPad and the large App Store icon.
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UIManagedDocument is a great way to set up a Core Data stack for your application. With application delegates taking a smaller role in newer applications, sharing the document's managed object context can be tricky.
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How our musical tastes mature along with our culinary tastes.
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Writing software is hard...
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UIManagedDocument is great. It wraps up an entire core data stack into a nice little package. But like most new APIs, there are a few little details that can trip you up if you're not careful.
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I’ve spent several hours this morning performing some long-overdue online identity maintenance. Like many of you, I’d imagine, I’ve accumulated a trail of neglected blogs, web sites, unused domain names and forgotten accounts. There’s still a lot to do to get things where I’d really like them to be, but it feels good to have at least tackled the worst of it.
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JCDHTTPConnection is a pretty simple class that takes a NSURLRequest object and (up to) three block callbacks. It’s asyncronous, of course, and much more convenient than setting up a delegate. I’m pretty happy with it, and I hope it might help someone out.
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